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Class Visits to Archives and Special Collections

Hands-on Learning Experiences for Students

Archives and Special Collections welcomes opportunities to collaborate with instructors from UC Davis and outside of campus. We focus on providing hands-on learning experiences and developing skills in using primary sources, also known as primary source literacy.

Different types of class visits can take place with Archives and Special Collections, such as orientations, workshops, in-classroom demonstrations, assignment support, and small group activities. In each case, every class will receive a standard 10–15 minute introduction that covers a department overview and proper care and handling of materials.

Brief introduction Archives and Special Collections (4 min):

Process for Planning a Class Visit

Step 1: Submit a request

We require a minimum of two weeks’ notice from when the Instruction Request Form is submitted. We strongly encourage instructors to submit the Instruction Request Form as soon as possible since dates are limited (instructors who submit both their syllabus and the form are prioritized first when scheduling sessions).

Instruction takes place in a classroom that accommodates no more than 24 people, which includes the instructor and librarian. If your class has more than 22 students, please plan for more than one class visit.

Step 2: Receive session confirmation by the Instruction and Outreach Librarian

Confirmation of requested dates and times depends on librarian and space availability. Class visits must be during our normal opening hours on Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Step 3: Discuss your class visit with librarian

A consultation with the Instruction and Outreach Librarian will be scheduled to discuss the class visit and determine the best materials to use. You should share all relevant course materials with the librarian including syllabus, assignment, etc.

Step 4: Request materials using the Aeon Request System

Use the Aeon Request System to request the materials discussed during your consultation with the librarian.

Step 5: Attend the class visit

Instruction in Archives and Special Collections is a collaborative process. The librarian and the course instructor (professor, TA, etc.) must both be physically present in the room where instruction takes place during every class visit. We are happy to accommodate those with special needs and must be alerted to those needs at least 5 business days in advance of the visit.

What to Expect

Before Class

While the proper care and handling of materials will be covered as part of the class, instructors can help prepare for a visit to Archives and Special Collections by encouraging students to:

During Class

  • Upon arriving to Archives and Special Collections, students will sign in.
  • Everyone must store their bags, coats/jackets, and other belongings in the lockers provided in the reading room.
  • Only pencils may be used to take notes.
    • Devices such as laptops, tablets, or phones may also be used to take notes.
    • Everyone must be prepared before entering the classroom. Due to maintaining security in Archives and Special Collections and the office space, we need to minimize everyone from going back & forth between the classroom and reading room. If a staff member is present, they can escort you back to the reading room (and classroom) if necessary.
  • All food and drinks (including water bottles) are prohibited in the Archives and Special Collections classroom.

Request a Session

Fill out the form linked below to request a class visit.

Be sure to email a copy of your syllabus, as well as other relevant course materials such as class assignments, to the Instruction and Outreach Librarian (Christine Cheng, czcheng_at_ucdavis_dot_edu) as soon as possible so that your session can be scheduled.

Request a Class Session