Supporting UC Davis research, preserving our history
The library supports all disciplines, from literature and the performing arts to political science and cultural studies. Our signature strengths — including viticulture and enology, honeybees and pollination, and nematodes — reflect and support UC Davis’ world-class programs in agriculture, winemaking and veterinary medicine.
Collections Overview
Get an overview of the library collections and licensed resources available to support teaching and learning, research, and clinical care at UC Davis.
What’s New in Our Collections
From newly licensed clinical tools and streaming media to recently acquired archival materials, find out what’s now available for your research, courses and exploration.
Archives and Special Collections
Home of the library’s rare and historical items, including rare books, manuscripts, photographs, maps and aerial photographs, and the UC Davis University Archives.
Food and Wine
Widely recognized as the greatest wine library in the world, we are also now building a growing collection on California’s culinary revolution.
Digitized Collections
Access thousands of digitized and born-digital items from the library’s distinctive collections, from vintage wine labels to historical photographs of California nature and agriculture.