Special Collections
Featured Maps! Theme for the Week- Sustainability
Theme for the week: Sustainability
October 23-27, 2017
Sustainability Day on October 25th!
Special Collections and the Map Collection have joined with the Office of Sustainability to celebrate Sustainability Week! Come on over to Shields Library to view some amazing maps, books, and collections on sustainability, and learn more about waste reduction, greenhouse gases, renewable carbon- free energy, and more!
Sustainability on Campus
As UC Davis enters its next 100 years, the university has mustered the expertise, innovation and enthusiasm of the entire campus community to achieve a Sustainable 2nd Century by showing how the campus progresses through the use of green buildings, energy efficiency and innovation, transportation, zero waste, water and landscaping, research regarding climate, transportation, and all things related to dining (such as food sourcing, agriculture, composting) .
Recruitment for Grant applications is currently underway for those who have ideas for a sustainability project. Anyone on campus may apply for The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) grant program to benefit sustainability and undergraduate students. Mini-Grant applications are due November 6, and larger grant abstracts will be due in February.
Sustainability Materials in Special Collections
Isao Fujimoto Papers:
Collection Number: D-601
The collection includes correspondence, journals, and publications related to alternative technology, development of the Northern California food movement, and community and rural development. Inclusive dates: 1960-2015.
Isao Fujimoto (1933-) is Senior Lecturer Emeritus of Asian American Studies and the UC Davis Graduate Program in Community Development. He joined UC Davis in 1967 as a founding member of the community development program and later founded the Asian-American Studies program. Prior to his work at UC Davis, Isao Fujimoto worked in Korea as an Army war correspondent and also taught English and chemistry at San Jose High School in San Jose, California.
Fujimoto’s many contributions to the Davis community include his work with the Davis Farmer’s Market and the Davis Food Co-op, development of the Alternative Agricultural Resources Project, and making his home available as a meeting space for local organizations and student groups. Beyond Davis, he has worked with the Central Valley Partnership for Citizenship, the Rural Development Leadership Network, the National Center for Appropriate Technology, which he helped found, and the Asian Rural Institute in Japan.
In April 2016, Isao Fujimoto earned the University of California system’s Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award. This award “recognizes scholarly work or educational service since retirement by a UC emeritus or emerita in the humanities or social sciences.”
More information on Online Archive of California: http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8028x80/
David A. Bainbridge Papers.
Collection Number: D-535
Manuscripts and published versions of his writings which primarily focus on sustainability, solar energy, agroforestry, and restoration ecology. Inclusive dates: 1971-2010.
David A. Bainbridge was born in 1948 in Schnectady, New York. He grew up in the west, living as a child in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and California. He received a B.A. in Earth Sciences from the University of California, San Diego (1970) and an M.S. in Ecology from the University of California, Davis (1973). His interest in economics and the challenges of sustainable resource management and environmental accounting began in the interdisciplinary Eco-Grad Group at the University of California, Davis in the 1970s. His career began with environmental planning work for the Environmental Development Agency in San Diego in 1970 to protect the coastal lagoons of San Diego County.
His work has focused on sustainable management of resources and people and has included: developments in environmental impact analysis, land capability evaluation, planning for sustainable communities, natural heating and cooling research, alternative building materials research and education (including straw bale building systems), research and education work in agroforestry and sustainable agriculture, desert and grassland restoration, and environmental accounting and sustainable management for businesses.
Bainbridge helped develop the sustainable management program for the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management at Alliant International University and taught sustainable management, environmental management reporting, ethics, and other courses, until his retirement in 2010.
More information on Online Archive of California: http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt400035mp/admin/#aspace_a28069d7b0d86a3fdab76aeb90e3d7d2
Robert Thayer. Papers on Landscape Architecture (with a focus on sustainability).
Collection Number: D-626. (Collection in process.)
Rob Thayer taught landscape architecture at UC Davis 1973-2002. He is Emeritus Professor of Landscape Architecture and the founder of the Landscape Architecture Program at the University of California, Davis. In his thirty-eight year academic career he has written two books, several book-length monographs and over 100 academic articles and papers in the field of landscape architecture. As an emeritus, Thayer continues his work on regenerative systems in regional planning, sustainable design, bioregional theory and practice, wind/renewable energy policy, and post-oil peak landscape re-localization.
More information about Robert Thayer on the Department of Human Ecology Website: https://humanecology.ucdavis.edu/rob-thayer
Office of Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
Collection Number: AR-148
Created in 2008, the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability (ESS) develops, leads, and coordinates sustainability efforts throughout the UC Davis campus. Faculty, staff, and students work to improve campus operations, work to implement the UC Office of the President’s sustainability policy, and work to establish sustainability metrics for UC Davis.
More information about ESS website:
Long Term Research on Agricultural Sustainability (LTRAS)
Collection Number: AR-110
Agricultural Sustainability Institute supports the Century Experiment (formerly known as LTRAS-Long Term Research on Agricultural Sustainability) at the Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility out along Russell Road west of campus. Research examines how crop rotation, farming systems, irrigation vs. rainfed systems, organic and conventional systems impact long-term sustainable farming.
More information about Russell Ranch and the Century Experiment: http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/rr
Books, Publications, and Pamphlets
Title: The Ethic of Zero growth: A new ethos for the new millennium
by Ken Meyercord (2001)
Call Number: PAM 199:18
Title: Envisioning Sustainability
by Peter Berg (2009)
Call Number: GE170.B46 2009
Title: Student farm at UC Davis : exploring and promoting sustainable agriculture since 1977.
by University of California, Davis. Agricultural Sustainability Institute (2013-2016)
Call Number: LD781.D3 A567785 2013
Title: Global leadership in sustainability : UC Davis.
by University of California, Davis (2012)
Call Number: LD781.D3 A567498 2012
Title: Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis : solutions for a sustainable food system.
by University of California, Davis. Agricultural Sustainability Institute (2013)
Call Number: LD781.D3 A56847 2013
Title: SAREP: University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
by University of California, Davis. Agricultural Sustainability Institute (2011)
Call Number: LD781.D3 A5677825 2011
Sustainability Materials in Map Collection
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Title: Marine renewable energy: wind, wave, tidal stream.
by La Tene Maps (2006)
Call Number: MAP G5701.N3 2006 .L3
Title: Solano County General Plan. Exhibit 2 : Land use diagram
by Solano County (2007)
Call Number: MAP G4363.S7G4 2007 .S6 (Vert.File)
Title: Explore sustainability, UC Davis 2012
by University of California, Davis (2012)
Call Number: MAP G4364.D3:2U6G3 2012 .U5 (Vert. File)
Title: Explore sustainability, UC Davis 2012-2013
by University of California, Davis (2012)
Call Number: MAP G4364.D3:2U6G3 2012 .U53 (Vert. File)
This map is also available as PDF or as an interactive map online.
Map Collection: Location and Hours
The Map Collection room is open to the public on the Lower Level of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Contact the Special Collections Department for sustainability related questions on the first floor of Shields Library (10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.), by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.
Post created by Dawn Collings and Patricia Wyley.