Outreach and Education
Research, educational outreach, and promotion
At the height of its membership, the Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation had approximately 400 members engaged in research, educational outreach, and promotion of selected cultivars. The Foundation provided the findings of its research to members of the nursery trade, landscape architects, students, teachers, and other researchers.
Associates of SHF newsletters: 1976, 1986, 1989, 1991

Associates of SHF newsletter, 1976

Associates of SHF newsletter, 1986

Associates of SHF newsletter, 1989

Associates of SHF newsletter, 1991
Plant Sales and Festivals
The Foundation was known for its spring plant sales and Fall Festival, during which the public could tour the Foundation’s nursery and purchase native and unusual plants. Most of the outreach activities were coordinated and carried out by the Associates of Saratoga Horticultural Foundation, the SHRF’s docent and fund-raising group.

Fall Festival, circa 1990

Fall Festival, circa 1990

Fall Festival, circa 1990

Associates Nursery Tour with Barrie Coate, Director of Horticulture, 1985

Associates Nursery Tour with Barrie Coate, Director of Horticulture, 1985

Group Tour Outline from an early Associates docent training program, 1976