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UC Libraries and OSC stand up for preservation of scholarship and research data

The University of California Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC) and the University of California Libraries have jointly issued a statement responsive to concerns about the continued availability of government and government-hosted research, scholarship, and data.

The unfettered exchange and careful preservation of information are fundamental to democracy, progress, and intellectual freedom. The critical research and scholarship conducted by government entities and academic institutions worldwide safeguard and support human rights, public health, the environment, artistic and literary enterprise, scientific and technological innovation, and much more. This scholarship is critical for informed discourse and policy development throughout society. As such, the fruits of governmental and scholarly research—the data and documentation generated and released—must remain publicly available and must not be suppressed, endangered, or altered to serve political ends.

You can read the whole thing at the Office of Scholarly Communication website.

Michael Wolfe, Scholarly Communications Officer


Open Access and Scholarly Publishing