Special Collections Featured Images
Then & Now
After a short hiatus, our Then & Now series is back. Do you recognize this campus building? Here is a hint: It is the oldest building on campus. This “Stick and Shingle” style building, built in 1907 on what is now the southeast corner of Shields Avenue and East Quad, was first used as the livestock judging barn and an all purpose meeting place.
In the 1930s it was moved to the corner of California Avenue and Hutchison Drive (the present day site of Rock Hall). In 1963, it was moved to Old Davis Road and remodeled and converted into an Elizabethan Theatre. William Shakespeare’s King Richard II was the inaugural performance in the new theatre in December 1963. The building, then renamed the Wyatt Pavilion Theatre, was dedicated to Fred S. Wyatt (1890-1974) whose monetary donation made the movement of the building and its renovation possible. From 1961-1974, Wyatt served as assistant to the Chancellor of UC Davis as a volunteer gifts and endowments officer.
Today, the theatre, which is still located on Old Davis Road, seats 200 people in a three quarter round fashion. It is used by the Music and Theatre and Dance Departments for performances.