Take a look: Psychotherapy.net

Blaisdell Medical Library is sponsoring a trial of Psychotherapy.net during September 2018.
10/1/2018 UPDATE: Trial has been extended to October 7, 2018. Don’t forget to provide feedback!
Relevant to students, teachers, and clinicians practicing in the field of mental health, Psychotherapy.net is an online video streaming platform that hosts 300+ psychotherapy, counseling, and training videos. Videos include: interviews with master psychotherapists, clinical demonstrations, live sessions, nonverbal observation, and in-depth commentaries. Psychotherapy.net features include a video clip creation tool, synchronized transcripts, and instructors’ manuals with teaching materials.
We invite you to explore Psychotherapy.net and provide your feedback.
Access the Psychotherapy.net trial
Note: Library VPN required for off-campus access.
Provide your feedback
Questions? Contact us: bmlref@ucdavis.edu