Survey on Instructor Adoption of Open Educational Resources
Seeking instructor insight about the use of OER in classes
- Seeking instructors in two- and four-year higher education institutions in California
- All disciplines
- Survey takes 10 minutes to complete
Instructors, have you heard about Open Educational Resources (OER)? Are you curious about them? Are you using them? If so, how was your experience? If you have yet to use them, what barriers prevent you from adoption?
After participating in the Library’s AggieOpen Fellowship 2023-24 cohort, Associate Professor of Spanish Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez is continuing her scholarship in Open Education with the California Alliance for Open Education (CA OpenEd). Dr. Sánchez-Gutiérrez is seeking insight into how instructors use OERs in their classes and/or what limits the use of these materials in different educational contexts. Her research examines how faculty members of all disciplines and specializations at two- and four-year U.S. higher education institutions use Open Educational Resources.

For this, she needs your collaboration:
- Take 10 minutes to complete this survey on your current use (or lack thereof) of Open Educational Resources. The survey is anonymous, and your responses will provide CA OpenEd with vital information to help advance the creation and adoption of OERs at US higher-education institutions.
- Share the survey with colleagues and invite them to participate!
Claudia Sánchez-Guitiérrez (UC Davis), Celina Benavides-Black (Oxnard College), and Massimo Mitolo (Irvine Valley College) are the Principal Investigators on this project.