Shields Library is closed through January 1. Requests for books, digitization services, and interlibrary loan will be fulfilled after the new year.
Starting Aug. 31, Daily Symptom Survey Will Be Required
This month, campus launched a self-administered, online daily symptom survey as another way to identify students, faculty and staff with potential COVID-related symptoms, direct them to seek medical attention, and protect the community from possible infection. Everyone must complete the daily symptom survey at before entering any campus building.
On Monday, August 31, the library will begin requiring students who use the Study Room at Shields Library to present the results of their daily symptom survey. Please complete the survey before coming to campus and be ready to show a printout, screenshot or email with your APPROVED results to the library staff person at the door.
You will need to complete the survey again each day you come to campus.
If you have any questions, please contact us at