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Shields Library is closed through January 1. Requests for books, digitization services, and interlibrary loan will be fulfilled after the new year.

Image by chenspec from Pixabay

Spotlight event March 18: Health Data Resources, Expertise & Tools to Support Your Research

For faculty, staff and students who want to accelerate innovative, data-driven research, one of the first steps is to understand what resources and tools can help you. If you are new to UC Davis Health, or have an interest in using health data for your research, the Blaisdell Medical Library invites to you attend our upcoming online event that puts a spotlight on available resources, tools and support:

Spotlight: Health Data Resources, Expertise & Tools to Support Your Research
Thursday, March 18 from noon-1 p.m.
Zoom link:  or enter the Meeting ID: 962 9171 0062 (registration not required)
Presented by: UC Davis Blaisdell Medical Library and Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC)

Session Objectives

Attendees will learn about open data resources, data cleaning and analysis, data management, REDCap, cohort discovery, EMR research functionality and the support team here at UC Davis Health. Session objectives include:

  • Locate health data tools and services available through Blaisdell Medical Library
  • Wrangle disparate research tools, sites, and resources to generate a cohesive plan for identifying and organizing your research dataset
  • Describe UCDH’s electronic medical record research functionality and training resources

For more information, download our spotlight event flyer (pdf).

Add this Event to Your Calendar

Registration is not required, but you can add the event to your calendar by scanning the QR code below with your mobile device or download here:

Calendar Invitation


Christy Navarro, MS
Health Library Informaticist
Blaisdell Medical Library
University of California, Davis

Sam Morley, MS
Biomedical Informatics Program
Manager, Data Access and Delivery
University of California Davis Health

Matt Wolfe
Supervisor – EMR Research Applications
University of California Davis Health


Announcements Data Science Exhibits and Events Health and Medicine Research Tools and Services


Cohort Discovery Data Cleaning and Analysis data management data sharing EMR research functionality health data Open data resources REDCap