CAVPP, Special Collections
Second group of audiovisual materials digitized by the CAVPP
We’re excited to announce that the second group of audiovisual materials that were digitized through our participation in the California Audiovisual Preservation Project (CAVPP) are now available online.
Fourteen titles were digitized from the following collections: Audiovisual Collection, Eastman’s Originals Collection, Henry Dart Greene Papers, Max Kleiber Papers, and T. Elliot Weier Papers. The digitized items feature campus activities, including two dedications (the 1973 dedication of the Library to Peter J. Shields and the 1972 dedication of the Jerome C. Davis homestead plaque), as well as clips from the 1965 Wild West Days event. Scenes of two 1941 UC Davis football games are included in a film by T. Elliot Weier. Other titles feature Northern California locations including Shasta, Lassen, and Tehama Counties. Early fruit packing activities can be viewed in a film by Henry Dart Greene. Several speeches by Professor Max Kleiber were also digitized.
We’ve listed the fourteen digitized items below. You can view all of our items that have been digitized through the CAVPP on the Internet Archive here.
In September we nominated items for a third round of digitization. We’ll make another announcement when those items are available online.
Remarks at Dedication of Jerome C. Davis Homestead Plaque, University of California, Davis. (Audiovisual Collection)
Shields Library Dedication, UC Davis (Audiovisual Collection)
Wild West Days at UC Davis (Audiovisual Collection)
Lassen and Modoc Counties, Calif. (Eastman’s Original Collection)
Shasta County, Calif. and Lake County, Oregon (Eastman’s Originals Collection)
Tehama County, Calif. Scenes (Eastman’s Originals Collection)
Packing fruit in California and Other Scenes (Henry Dart Greene Papers)
Last Lecture: What You Should Take With You From Your University (Max Kleiber Papers)
Food and Population, speech at Farm and Home Conference, UC Davis (Max Kleiber Papers)
Agnews Meadow (T. Elliot Weier Papers)
Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif. (T. Elliot Weier Papers)
Sonora Pass, Calif. and Other California Scenes (T. Elliot Weier Papers)
Spring collecting trip east of the Sierras (T. Elliot Weier Papers)
T. Elliot Weier and Family Activities (T. Elliot Weier Papers)

Still frame from Tehama County, Calif. Scenes film.