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Pass It On: Preservation Week, April 26-May 2, 2015
Preservation Week, a presentation of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), is a national campaign to help raise awareness about collecting and preservation, to connect the general public to preservation information and expertise, and to emphasize the close relationships among personal, family, community, and public collections and their preservation.
Events during the week include two free webinars. The webinars, which require registration, will each begin at 11 a.m. PDT and will last about one hour. To register and learn more go to ALCTS events.
The webinars are:
Tuesday, April 28
Presented by Siobhan C. Hagan
This presentation covers the basic composition and history of film and video technology, particularly as it relates to formats found within personal and family collections. Tips and tricks for preserving your personal moving image materials will be addressed so that future generations can continue to enjoy your family movies and videos.
Digital Preservation for Individuals and Small Groups
Wednesday, April 29
Presented by Mike Ashenfelder
This webinar can help increase your understanding of what it takes to preserve commonly used digital files such photos, recordings, videos and documents. Learn about the nature of the digital-preservation challenge and hear about some simple, practical tips and tools to help you preserve your digital stuff.