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New article on altmetrics from Anup Kumar Das & Sanjaya Mishra

New article on genesis of altmetrics for measuring efficacy of scholarly communication by Anup Kumar Das (JNU, India) and Sanjaya Mishra (CEMCA, India).

Pre-print available at

The article by New Delhi-based scholars Das and Mishra gives a brief review of the existing literature on altmetrics. Among other things, the article provides a history of altmetrics approaches/mechanisms for multi-dimensional  assessment of article/manuscript impact. Kumar and Mishra also geographically map the current state of altmetrics activity and research – making the point that there is an almost complete lack in the developing world. This begs the question of how altmetric literacies might be cultivated in and tailored to the needs of these varied research communities?


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Innovating Communication in Scholarship (ICIS)