On July 27, 2021, UC Library Search will bring all UC campus libraries into the same online catalog.
Melvyl is retiring: What to do now to get ready
In this article:
- Melvyl users: Save your lists, searches and bookmarks/links
- Submit July/August course reserves by June 25
- Interlibrary loan requests
In two months, on July 27, UC Library Search will become the single online catalog for the UC system. It will encompass everything now in the UC Davis Library catalog, the Mabie Law Library catalog (the UC Davis School of Law has maintained its own library catalog until now), and Melvyl, the UC system catalog that is being retired after 40 years.
Because UC Library Search will use the same software as the current UC Davis Library catalog, you won’t notice many changes to how our campus library catalog works. But if you are accustomed to using Melvyl, the UC Library Search system will look and feel different.
Importantly, personal data such as saved lists, saved searches and bookmarks will not transfer from Melvyl automatically, so be sure to follow the steps below to download them now. If you have questions, please contact us at uclibrarysearch@ucdavis.edu.
In addition, the transition will require a temporary pause in our digital course reserves system in July. If you have courses starting in July or early August (i.e., School of Medicine, Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing, and undergraduate Summer Session II) please create your reading lists by Friday, June 25 to ensure that materials can be linked from Canvas (or Elentra, at the School of Medicine) in time for class. (The library can purchase requested course materials after that date, but we will be unable to establish new links to Canvas/Elentra from July 8 to 27.)
For Melvyl users: What you should do now
Depending on how you use Melvyl, here are the actions to take by July 26:
- Saved lists: Melvyl saved lists will not be moved to UC Library Search. Before July 27, log in to Melvyl by clicking “Sign In.” Enter your username and password. Click on your account name, and select “My Personal Lists” from the drop-down menu. From there you can access your saved lists. You can email your lists to yourself, or you can click on the “Cite” button and export them into citation management software.
- Saved searches: Melvyl saved searches will not be moved to UC Library Search. Before July 27, log in to Melvyl by clicking “Sign In.” Enter your username and password. Click on the “Saved Searches” link in the gray menu bar. Before July 27 you should make a note of your search terms if you wish to reproduce them in UC Library Search.
- Bookmarks and links to Melvyl records: Melvyl links will not redirect to UC Library Search. If you have links to Melyvl records, either in your browser bookmarks, Canvas or Elentra, or elsewhere, you can log in to Melvyl and save them to a list, which you can then email to yourself or export into citation management software.
Using interlibrary loan
- If you currently use Melvyl to place interlibrary loan requests, you will use the “Request Through Interlibrary Loan” link in UC Library Search beginning on July 27. Like the “Request” button in Melvyl, a form will pop up for you to place your ILL requests. UC Library Search has the added benefits of single sign-on, and you will be able to select any UC campus library as your preferred pickup location.

- If you request articles found via PubMed or other library databases, you will use the new Get it at UC button, which will appear in place of UCD or UC e-links. When you click on the Get it at UC button, you will be led to the full text of the article when available, or you can make an interlibrary loan request via the “Request Through Interlibrary Loan” link.
What is not changing
- Library accounts: Your existing library account will automatically become active in UC Library Search. You do not need to take any action unless you have saved lists, saved searches, or bookmarks or links to Melvyl records, as described above.
Learn more
Training materials on how to use the new UC Library Search will be made available after July 27. For more background about the change from Melvyl to UC Library Search, see the UC Library Search FAQ or contact the UC Davis Library with any other questions at uclibrarysearch@ucdavis.edu.