(c)2015 University of California
Learn How to Submit a Course Reserves Reading List in Canvas: Drop-in Sessions
Course Reserves is an easy, cost-effective way to set aside the books, articles, DVDs or more that your students need to succeed in your class. Instructors, TAs, and course Designers may submit Course Reserves reading lists directly from the Canvas course site now. If you haven’t done so before, or if you have and would like to learn how to “re-use” an old list, come to one of the library drop-in sessions. Bring your citations with you so that you can create and submit your reading list that day! If you’re unable to make a session, please contact the library at 530-752-2760 or coursereserves@ucdavis.edu for help or to arrange a one-on-one session with library staff.
Drop-in sessions are scheduled at the Shields Library Instruction Lab (Room 165) at the following dates/times:
- Wednesday, March 13 at 3-4pm
- Thursday, March 14 at 3-4pm
- Monday, March 18 at 12-1pm