Special Collections
Featured Maps! Theme for the Week – Shipwrecks
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Theme for the week: Shipwrecks
October 9-13, 2017
Shipwrecks: With nearly 1 percent of shipwrecks explored, imagine the amount of treasures hidden safely at the bottom of the ocean waiting to be found. Come on over to Shields Library to view these amazing sunken ships maps, such as the Titanic, the Palau diving map, wrecks in Antarctica, and more! The Map Collection room is located on the lower level of the library. Don’t be shy and stop on by!
Title: The shipping world’s map
by Shipping Guides Ltd. (1999)
Call Number: MAP G3201.P54 1999 .S5
Title: Titanic- reference map: the first complete map of the world’s most famous shipwreck
by Hedberg Maps, Inc., Lynn Noel, Nat Case, and Map Link (Firm) (1998)
Call Number: MAP G9111.P54 1913 .H3 1998
Title: Shipwrecks, Oregon and Washington, 1800-1900.
by Northwest Cartographic Institute, and Judith A. Farmer (1974)
Call Number: MAP G4291.P57 1974 .F3
Title: Shipwrecks and sunken treasure of the Caribbean : from the discovery of the New World to the end of the seventeenth-century.
by Alexander Rabazo, and International Map Services Ltd. (1991)
Call Number: MAP G4392.C3E75 1991 .R2
Title: Sunken ships of the Virgin Islands 1652-1867
by Paperbook Gallery, Inc. (1975)
Call Number: MAP G5011.P57 1975 .P3
Title: Antarctic Region
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency (2001)
Call Number: MAP G9801.A1 2001 .U6 (Vertical File)
Title: Ushuaia to Antarctica Drake Passage : polar voyage log map
by Zagier & Urruty Publicaciones, and Hector R. Bertolotto (1987)
Call Number: MAP G5351.P57 1987 .Z2
Title: Palau wreck location map
by Dan E. Bailey (1991)
Call Number: MAP G9426.P57 1944 .B2 1991
Title: Palau (Belau) dive location map
Call Number: MAP G9426.E63 1990 .D3
Title: Vessels wrecked in Alaskan waters
by Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and Alaska Bureau (1918)
Call Number: MAP G4371.P57 1918 .S3 (Old Maps)
Map Collection: Location and Hours
The Map Collection room is open to the public on the Lower Level of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm. To see the most accurate schedule, please visit this link: https://library.ucdavis.edu/guide/maps/#hours-2 .
Contact the Special Collections Department for map related questions by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.