Fall into Academic Success with the Library
Get to know the library resources that will help you fall quarter and beyond
Welcome, new Aggies! Your first fall quarter at UC Davis is an exciting time with new classes, activities and experiences. It’s also the ideal time to learn how the UC Davis Library can help you with your coursework and research projects, so you can use our resources all quarter long (and until you graduate!).
(Even if you’ve been here for a year or two, read on for some handy reminders!)
Visiting Shields Library and taking a tour is a great way to start (visit our events calendar for times/locations). Here are additional recommendations for learning about the library:
Getting Started webpage
Visit and bookmark our Getting Started page before you start your first research assignment. It’s a great overview of core library tools, how to connect with our digital resources and tips for citations and writing.
Research Guides
Speaking of research assignments, did you know that our librarians have created research guides in every UC Davis academic subject area? We like to think of them as the ultimate “research-hack” — instant summaries of reference materials, books, journal articles, databases, statistics, and historical and primary sources. Jumpstart your research process by starting with a research guide!
There are also course guides (which you’ll learn about from your instructors, if available), and topical guides like Citation Styles, Health Sciences Tutorials and Polling Data.
Welcome Desk and Librarians
Have a general question about library services or where to find something? Stop by our Welcome Desk, located in the lobby of Shields Library, and get answers from student peers.
Our librarians are also here to help you with course assignments, research questions and more! Use our Schedule a Consultation tool to find librarians with expertise in your study area, or use our Directory.

We offer a variety of workshops at Shields Library throughout the year, from how to use the UC Library Search catalog or research databases to find materials, to learning how to keep track of your sources and cite them properly. Check our events calendar for upcoming sessions and drop in (or register, if required)!
Free Access to Digital News, Streaming Services, Cookbooks
As an Aggie, you get free online access to The New York Times and The Economist, streaming video and music services, hundreds of cookbooks and recipes, and much more through the library’s licensed subscriptions. Learn how to connect from off campus.