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Shields Library is closed through January 1. Requests for books, digitization services, and interlibrary loan will be fulfilled after the new year.

Course Reserves Gets a Fresh New Look

Create custom reading lists with ease

The user experience for instructors placing materials onto course reserves has gotten an upgrade. In addition to improving site security, the new interface presents a streamlined view of the course reserves reading list. Designed for better visibility and more intuitive actions, this upgrade makes navigating and customizing reading lists easier than ever.

Course reserves is a critical library service that supports the teaching mission of the university, and complements the campus’s Equitable Access program. Course reserves provides expanded and free access beyond what Equitable Access currently provides, including:

  • Access to recommended materials
  • Access to materials in non-book formats, such as videos and articles, and
  • Access for students enrolled in graduate and professional-level courses, and undergraduates who have opted out of Equitable Access.

Instructions for creating a course reserves reading list are available online. If you would like to request a one-on-one meeting in person or via Zoom for help with creating a list — or if you would like to schedule a demo for your department, college or school — please use our Course Reserves Help Form.




Course Reserves faculty news