UC Davis prize recipient is professor Frances Dolan and she sits for a portrait on Thursday March 17, 2016 at UC Davis. She loves anitquarian books.
Congratulations to Professor Dolan
Congratulations to UC Davis English Professor Frances Dolan on receiving the 2016 Prize for Undergraduate Teaching and Scholarly Achievement! Special Collection was pleased to support the research and instruction needs of Professor Dolan. We were also gratified to highlight 17-19th century books from Special Collections at the Teaching Award gala dinner and be featured in a video about her activities.
Here are examples of the books she has used in Special Collections:
Blith, Walter,active 1649.: The English improver improved;or, The svrvey of hvsbandry svrveyed, discovering the improueableness of all lands .All clearly demonstrated from principles of reason, ingenuity, and late, but most real experiences; and held forth … under six peeces of improvement (London, Printed for J. Wright, 1652). S509 .B6 1652.
Garrick, David,1717-1779.: Catherine and Petruchio :a comedy /altered from Shakespeare by David Garrick ….( London : Printed by R. Butters …, [ca. 1785]). PR2832.A2 G37 1800
Livingston (Mrs.): Love each other, or, Strive to be good :stories designed to advance the young in virtue and morality /by Mrs. Livingston.. (Lowell : S. Wilkins, 1854). PS3523.I96 L68 1854
Plat, Hugh,1552-1608.: The jewel house of art and nature: containing divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experiments in the art of husbandry. With divers chimical conclusions concerning the art of distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. By D.B. Gent. (London: Printed by Bernard Alsop …, 1653). T44 .P7 1653
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616.: Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies.Published according to the true Originall copies..The Second Impression. (London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the signe of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church-yard. 1632). Oversize PR2751 .A2
Topsell, Edward,1572-1625?: The history of four-footed beasts and serpents…Collected out of the writings of Conradus Gesner and other authors, by Edward Topsel. by T. Muffet…. (London, Printed by E. Cotes, for G. Sawbridge [etc.] 1658) Oversize QL41 .T68
Woolley, Hannah, active 1670.: The queen-like closet, or, Rich cabinet :stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying & cookery : very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sex /by Hannah Wolley. (London : Printed for R. Lowndes …, 1670). Noling TX705 .W6 1670
Worlidge, John, active 1669-1698.: Systema agriculturæ :the mystery of husbandry discovered : treating of the several new and most advantagious ways of tilling, planting, sowing … all sorts of gardens, orchards, meadows … & coppices : as also of fruits, corn, grain … cattle, fowl, beasts, bees, silk-worms, &c. : with an account of the several instruments and engines used in this profession : to which is added Kalendarum rusticum, or, The husbandmans monthly directions : also … Dictionarium rusticum, or, The interpretation of rustick terms … /published for the common good by J. W. gent.. (London : Printed by J. C. for Thomas Dring, 1675) S509 .W92 1675
Worlidge, John, active 1669-1698.: Vinetum britannicum, or, A treatise of cider, and other wines and drinks extracted from fruits growing in the kingdom :to which is added, a discourse teaching the best way of improving bees.. (London : T. Dring, 1691). SF525 .W8