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Special Collections

Campus 100 years ago

In celebration of the first day of classes of the Fall Quarter 2011, let’s take a trip back in time to campus 100 years ago. If you were a student at the University Farm (now UC Davis) in 1911, here’s what you would find:

110 undergraduate students
1 graduate student

A handful of buildings including:
North Hall, which was a dormitory, East Hall, the Creamery Building (which contained the one room Library) the Farm Director’s residence, the Judging Barn (now Wyatt Pavilion), a Dairy Barn, and several other barns.

The city of Davisville (as it was called then) had a population of approximately 800 people.

Below is an image from the University Archives Photographs of a Pomology class on campus from circa 1911.

I wonder what campus will look like 100 years from now in 2111?

Students in a Pomology class, circa 1911


Archives and Special Collections Campus and Local History


Campus history class pomology University Archives Photographs