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Building the UC Davis Campus Web Archives
Special Collections holds the University Archives and it is our role to preserve the University of California, Davis’ history by maintaining a record of UC Davis publications. Traditionally this has meant print publications but the web has become the primary mode of communication and publication for campus events and issues.
Special Collections staff recently worked with the California Digital Library’s (CDL) Web Archiving Service (WAS) to capture the entire “ucdavis.edu” domain as part of the University Archives.
This entry on the CDL’s blog discusses the Davis project as well as a similar project done at UC Irvine. As the blog post mentions, these web archives are not yet available to the public. In accordance with the Section 108 Study Group recommendations concerning web archiving, an embargo period is observed before captures can be made publicly available. We anticipate going live with the UC Davis Web Archives in early Summer 2012.
Here at Davis we look forward to continuing to work with campus departments and groups to preserve the history of the University of California Davis. Please contact us at speccoll@ucdavis.edu with comments or questions.