AR-013 UAP-00184
50 Features of Special Collections: University Archives Photographs Collection, AR-013

One of the most widely used collections within Special Collections is the University Archives Photographs Collection, AR-013. It is a collection of over 3,400 photographs which include albums and scrapbooks spanning from 1907-1987. The University Archives Photographs Collection offer a visual record of the history of the University of California, Davis. The collection contains photographic prints and negatives depicting buildings and grounds, faculty and staff, annual events such as Picnic Day, campus events, classes and classrooms, student clubs and activities, departments, and sporting events. Unfortunately many of these photographs have limited descriptions and/or are undated. However, it is through discussions with researchers, visitors and campus faculty and students that we learn additional information about the photographs which can be added to the collection.
Many of the photographs within this collection are used for blog posts and outreach events as they track the visual history of activities on the UC Davis campus. If you are interested in viewing these historic photographs of the UC Davis campus you will be happy to discover that almost all the photographs have been digitized and are accessible online. You can view the University Archives Photographs Collection, AR-013 on both the Online Archive of California and Calipshere. On the Online Archive of California the images are arranged in 11 series:
1. Buildings and Grounds |

On Calisphere you can arrange the images by date and view them in a grid display. There is also a link that will direct you to the finding aid for the University Archives Photograph Collection, which is on the Online Archive of California. When you have found photographs that you are interested in for a class, presentation, or personal interest there are two pieces of information to take note of: the collection number (AR-013) and the unique identifier for the photograph (UAP_0????). This way should you like to purchase a copy we here in Special Collections can locate the photograph to provide you with a high resolution copy.
There is a wealth of campus history to be viewed in this collection and we invite you all to look through and discover for yourself the treasures inside.
Finding aid on the Online Archive of California
Digitized images from this collection are available on Calisphere