Enter the 24-Hour Study Room at Shields Library through the doors facing the Quad
24-Hour Study Room: Starting Aug. 3, Hours Will Be Limited, No Food and Drink
Current California and campus policy make face covering mandatory in shared indoor spaces. We regret that due to broad non-compliance by students with the requirement to wear a face covering while in the 24-Hour Study Room at Shields Library, starting on Monday, August 3, this study space will only be open Monday through Friday, from 10am to 6pm, and will be closed on weekends.
Despite posted signage at the entrance and on all study tables, the university has received multiple comments expressing deep concern about the lack of compliance with mandatory health precautions in this space — a concern the UC Davis Library shares, as we take seriously our responsibility to do everything we can to provide for the health and safety of all students who use the library.
In addition to face covering:
- Do not enter if sick. Please do not enter the building if you have a cough, fever or other cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Physical distancing of at least 6 feet is required while inside the study room. To support this, the library has capped room occupancy at 50 people. If the space is at capacity when you arrive, you will be asked to wait until someone else leaves before entering. The small group study rooms adjacent to the main study space will also be closed, as group study in such a confined space is not compatible with physical distancing.
- No food and drink (other than water) will be allowed in order to maximize face covering and foster healthy behavior at all times.
Typically, the 24-Hour Study Room is an unstaffed space; beginning on August 3, library personnel will be present to monitor face covering, physical distancing and food and drink policy compliance whenever the room is open. Any student without a face covering will be provided with a mask, if needed. Anyone who refuses to comply with these health and safety rules will be asked to leave.
The new open hours were identified as those with the highest usage during the summer session; however, as Fall Quarter approaches, adjustments to the room hours may be made. Please see our Library Hours for the latest information.