Plant Culture Data Sheets
SHRF Collection: Plant Culture Data Sheets
The Plant Culture Data Sheet project began in 1985 under the direction of Director Phillip McMillan Browse. This project continues in an effort to provide more information about the various selections that have come through the Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation Program. Over time, the decision was made to not update the data sheets, but, rather to present them in a historical sense reflecting the earliest dates of cultivar introduction. This information has been culled from the files of the Foundation and will be added to as more information is found and processed. As a benefit of membership, periodically our newsletter will announce new data sheets as they become available.
- Abies bracteata
- Arbutus x “Marina”
- Arctostaphylos: California Native Manzanitas
- Arctostaphylos: Manzanita Introductions by SHRF with additional notes on:
- Arctostaphylos “Dr. Hurd”
- Arctostaphylos “Emerald Carpet”
- Arctostaphylos densiflora “Howard McMinn”
- Arctostaphylos hookeri “Monterey Carpet”
- Arctostaphylos x “Sunset”
- Artemisia californica “Canyon Gray”
- Carpenteria californica
- Ceanothus Introductons by SHRF, including:
- Quick I.D. Hints on Ceanothus
- Ceanothus Species Description
- Ceanothus “Dark Star” | Ceanothus “Julia Phelps” | Ceanothus “Ray Hartman”
- A new ceanothus cultivar: “Olwlswood Blue”
- Ceanothus gloriosus “Anchor Bay”
- Ceanothus x “Frosty Blue”
- Ceanothus griseus “Louis Edmunds”
- Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis “Yankee Point”
- Ceanothus x “Joyce Coulter Ceanothus “Julia Phelps”
- Ceanothus “Ray Hartman”
- Celtis
- Chinese Pistache
- Chitalpa tashkentensis “Pink Dawn”
- Coprosma “Verde Vista”
- Correa “Carmine Bells”
- Correa “Ivory Bells”
- Dicliptera suberecta
- Eriogonum crocatum
- Eriogonum latifolium ssp. grande var. rubescens
- Eucalyptus bauerana
- Eucalyptus gunnii, cider gum
- Eucalyptus nicholii, willow-leaved peppermint
- Eucalyptus spathulata
- Fraxinus oxycarpa “Raywood”
- Fremontodendron “California Glory”
- Fremontodendron “Pacific Sunset”
- Fremontodendron “San Gabriel”
- Galvezia Speciosa “Bocarosa”—Island Bush Snapdragon
- Garrya elliptica
- Geijera parviflora
- Genista pilosa
- Ginkgo biloba “Autumn Gold”
- Ginkgo biloba “Saratoga”
- Hebe “Amy”
- Isomeris arborea—Bladderpod
- Lagerstroemia, three new, mildew resistant Crape Myrtles
- Laurus “Saratoga”
- Liquidambar styraciflua
- Liriodendron tulipifera
- Loropetalum chinense
- Magnolia grandiflora
- Mahonia nevini—Nevin’s Mahonia
- Maytenus boaria “Green Showers”
- Notes on Metasequoia
- Myoporum
- Myrica californica
- Populus fremontii “Nevada”
- Prostanthera rotundifolia rosea (Round Leaf Mint-bush)
- Prunus ilicifolia (Hollyleaf-cherry)
- Quercus lobata—Valley Oak
- Raphiolepis bellata “Minor”
- Rhamnus californica “Eve Case”
- Ribes sanguineum
- Ribes sanguineum “White Icicle”
- Ribes viburnifolium
- Romneya coulteri
- Rosmarinus officinalis “Ken Taylor”
- Salvia clevelandii “Aromas”
- Salvia mellifera “Terra Seca”
- Salvia regia “Royal”
- Sapium sebiferum
- Scaevola “Mauve Clusters”
- Sequoia sempervirens
- Tristania laurina, water gum
- Umbellularia californica
- Viburnum plicatum

© Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation, Inc.
This information is provided by permission of Ing. Robert de Bree, Director of SHRF, Inc.
The finding aid for the Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation Collection is available at the Online Archive of California.
For more information, please contact Archives and Special Collections.