Shields Library is closed through January 1. Requests for books, digitization services, and interlibrary loan will be fulfilled after the new year.
Growing the Aggie Experts Database
Summer Upgrades Added More Features, More Faculty
Three steps to take with Aggie Experts:
- Add any missing works to your profile
- Try out the grant import in MIV
- Add your availability for outreach
Contact us at for assistance or questions. Our team is here to help.
Interested in broader outreach? Check off your availability label.
- Participating in projects with the wider community?
- Interested in partnering with industry?
- Ready to speak to the media on your area of expertise?
- Willing to collaborate?
Aggie Experts now has availability labels to indicate your preference for these activities. Located on your profile in the name banner, edit the “Open to:” tag to check off any and all of these options.
Federation Faculty are now included in Aggie Experts.
During the summer we stayed busy expanding Aggie Experts to thousands of our campus researchers. Academic Federation members’ research has been incorporated to facilitate further collaboration discovery at UC Davis.
As with all profiles in Aggie Experts, we recommend checking your information to see if all desired publications are appearing. To help the algorithm capture your scholarship as fully as possible, we recommend adding your ORCID ID (or other identifiers). As a reminder, we draw these identifiers from the UC Publication Management System, so please, add them there. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
As a reminder for any members of the Academic Senate who have not yet had a chance to check their profiles, please do so. The campus pre-release of Aggie Experts will become public in a few months, and our goal is for all faculty to be satisfied with how their research is represented to the wider community when that time comes.