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Original Cataloging of a Print Serial

The following workflow represents the current work process in place at the UC Davis library when performing original cataloging of a print serial item. It is one of the work functions that will be converted to a native Linked Data workflow as part of the project.


  1. Librarians – Highest level of experience.
  2. Cataloging Specialist – Medium level of experience.
  3. Supporting systems and tools (e.g. OCLC Connexion, Aleph, Macro).


User Story – ”As a library cataloger I need to create a set of metadata elements in OCLC for a published print serial that will describe it both for managing it in the Library’s collection and making it discoverable by Library patrons in OCLC and replicate that record in the local integrated library system.”

Success Metric(s)

  1. A new set of bibliographic metadata elements will be present in the OCLC Worldcat database.
  2. The new set of bibliographic metadata elements will be present and discoverable by library users of the OCLC Melvyl System.
  3. The new set of bibliographic metadata elements will be replicated locally in the ALEPH database (Harvest).
  4. Associated holding and item data elements will be present and useful for the local circulation system.
  5. Associated check-in and subscription data elements will be present and useful for managing serials (for example, check-in serial issues, binding serial issues).
  6. A authority records will be created (1) for names created in OCLC Worldcat database (note: not all libraries will be able to create names in OCLC Worldcat so need to consider alternate process for these libraries; and (2) for subjects, new subject headings will be submitted as a proposal to LC (note: need to document the process that happens once LC responds positively or negatively to the proposal.)


  1. New print serial issue(s) are delivered to cataloger.
  2. Cataloger has access to OCLC system in order to verify that no duplicate record exists.
  3. Cataloger must have access to the ILS system.
  4. Cataloger must have access to the following online resources: Cataloger’s Desktop, ClassWeb, RDA Toolkit, AACR2 (online accessed through RDA Toolkit), MARC21 for Bibliographic and authority data (OCLC website), CONSER documentation (CONSER Standard Record Documentation, CONSER Cataloging Manual, CONSER Editing Guide).
  5. Cataloger must knowledge of cataloging rules (AACR2 & RDA), MARC format (bibliographic & authority), classification(s) (LC & NLM, SuDoc, Caldoc), foreign language(s), CONSER and local cataloging policies.
  6. Appropriate Macros are available to cataloger.

Post Conditions
Bib record and authority record are present in OCLC Worldcat database and in local ILS. Holdings record and item record are present in local ILS.

New serial issue(s) are delivered to cataloger.


  1. Log into OCLC Connexion Client.
  2. Search Worldcat database to ensure no bib record exists.
  3. Open MARC template – Serials Workform.
  4. Fill out fixed fields.
  5. Fill out variable fields.
  6. Perform “control headings” to link name(s), subject heading(s), uniform title(s), and/or series entry (entries) directly to exactly matching Library of Congress authority record(s), if available. If not, create authority records as needed.
  7. Save record into WorldCat database.
  8. Attach UCD’s OCLC holdings symbols to the bib record created – for ILL and discovery in Melvyl (UC-wide common catalog).
  9. Export the record from OCLC to Aleph.
  10. Create holdings record and item record using Macros in Aleph.
  11. Create subscription record in Aleph.
  12. Create check-in record using predication pattern in holdings record.

*User Interface Requirements*
User interface for current work-flows are determined by existing software packages.


  1. Currently, creation of subscription and check-in records is done by acquisitions unit. Should I include them in this use case?
  2. It’s difficult to create predication pattern for serials with irregular or unknown frequency.




BIBFLOW Bibflow Workflow Analysis