Special Collections
It’s Palindrome Week
Did you know that this week is full of palindromes? A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that read the same backwards and forward, e.g. Hannah or Madam I’m Adam. Every day this week dates written in a 5 digit format are palindromes. From 7-10-17 to 7-19-17 you will discover palindromes at every turn.
Now 5 digit palindromes are not too terribly unique as there will be another one in August of 2018 and September of 2019, however, a new 5 digit palindrome format will begin in 2020. Enjoy these numerical palindromes while they last. And if you are looking for more on palindromes enjoy the word play found in the pamphlet below.
Here in Special Collections we’ve discovered a pamphlet that provides examples of palindromes throughout history as well as the author’s own experience in discovering the fun of a palindrome. Be sure to stop by and give it a look through.

Work referenced:
Lewis, T. (2015). Happy Palindrome Week: Why This Week’s Dates Are Special. [online] Live Science. Available at: https://www.livescience.com/50807-palindrome-week-rare-dates.html [Accessed 12 Jul. 2017].