Picnic Day: By the Decade
*Featured Image from 1909 Picnic Day
Celebrating Picnic Day
The Picnic Day tradition started in 1909 with a “Dedication Basket Picnic,” said to have been suggested by Mrs. Carolee Shields, to honor the opening of North Hall, the first dormitory on the campus of the University Farm (now the University of California, Davis). Visitors came to inspect the University Farm and join faculty and students in a picnic lunch sponsored by the faculty. By 1911 Picnic Day was a firmly established annual event, a combination educational exhibit and annual spring festival. In 1914 it became a student-organized activity run by a special committee appointed by the Executive Committee of the Associated Students. After the opening of the Yolo Causeway in 1915, allowing thousands of automobiles to descend on Davis each Picnic Day, Yolo County for several years declared the date a public holiday.
Picnic Day has been cancelled six times in its history: in 1924 because of a statewide hoof-and-mouth disease epidemic that threatened livestock herds, in 1938 after the old classroom building was torn down, from 1943-1945 during World War II and finally this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Exhibit Sources
Archives and Special Collections is charged with collecting, preserving, administering, and providing access to the University Archives. This exhibit draws materials from several University Archives Collections.
The collections include:
- University Archives Photographs – A visual record of the history of the University of California, Davis. The collection contains photographic prints and negatives, and depicts buildings and grounds, faculty and staff, annual events such as Picnic Day, campus events, classes and classrooms, student clubs and activities, departments, and sporting events.
- Academic Technology Services Photographs and Video Recordings– The collection includes negatives, contact sheets, color slides, and prints created in the course of UC Davis activities by Illustration Services, which is now incorporated into Academic Technology Services.
- Michel (Neil) Axiom Photograph Collection– Neil Michel, co-owner of Axiom, was the principal freelance photographer for UC Davis from 1991-2008. The collection includes photographs taken for the California Aggie, Dateline, and UC Davis Magazine, as well as photography for alumni events, development events, and several colleges and programs.
- The California Aggie, formerly known as The Weekly Agricola- This resource is now available online through the California Digital Newspaper Collection (CDNC) and contains 5,410 issues of The Aggie beginning with the first issue of The Weekly Agricola on Sept. 29, 1915. The collection is broken down by year and month, has a keyword-search function and is available for download.
To access materials in these or other collections in Archives and Special Collections, or if you have materials related to the history of UC Davis that you would like to donate to the UC Davis Library, contact
Historic Picnic Day Films
In celebration of the 100th Picnic Day, Archives and Special Collections in the University Library, digitized three historic 16mm films of Picnic Day. Funding of the digitization of these three films was provided by the Richard H. and Marilyn (Slater) McCapes Family Trust Gift Fund.
Picnic Day, April 22, 1939
(15:41 min, 168 Mb)
This film features Picnic Day in 1939 and was recorded by Remi C. O’Connor of the Class of 1941. It contains the oldest known footage of campus. Picnic Day was celebrated that year on Saturday, April 22 after rain damage and the demolition of the Classroom Building caused the event to be cancelled in 1938.
The film, which runs for 15 minutes, begins on Friday, April 21 with scenes of students preparing campus for Picnic Day. The recording ends with students cleaning up campus on Sunday.
Picnic Day, April 19, 1947
(10:49 min, 116 Mb)
Picnic Day 1947 marked the return of the event after a four year absence due to World War II. The first post war Picnic Day occurred on April 19, 1947. This film, which runs for ten minutes, contains clips of the following events: presentation of judging awards at the reviewing stand, a greased pig on the Quad, alumni registration at the south end of the Quad, a band demonstration on the Quad followed by a bag punching demonstration by Myron Schall at the reviewing stand, the track meet, and finally the fashion show at the Sunken Garden (the current site of the Shields Library courtyard).
Picnic Day, April 18, 1953
(4:08 min, 43 Mb)
The majority of this film focuses on the parade as seen from the corner of Shields Avenue and East Quad.

Picnic Day, 1909

Picnic Day, 1910.

Division of Agricultural Engineering forge float, Picnic Day, 1917.

Animal Husbandry Division float, 1917

Picnic Day Entrance, 1917

Parade float, circa 1916

Ninth Annual Picnic Day Edition, 1917

Student Body President Jack Roberts with cow, 1914

Left to right, Regent Perry, President of the State Agricultural Society, Hiram Johnson, Governor of California, Benjamin Ide Wheeler, President of the University of California, H.E. Van Norman, Dean of the University Farm, circa 1913-1914

Picnic Day crowd, circa 1916

Baseball team, Hoskins, Cecil O’Hara, Ralph Vawter, Harwood, A. Banta, Emil Pohli, Bosworth, Parker Hall, John M. Roberts, E. Roundtree (Captain), Onstott, W. Brewer, Roy Stettler (Manager), Jay Dwiggins (Coach) 1915

Picnic Day 1917

Parade, circa 1920-1929

Molly’s Pete attempting to break her mother’s record of 97 hours and 11 minutes from Davis to Berkeley, 1921

Parking lot on the quad, circa 1920

Claude B. Hutchison speaking, circa 1922

Molly’s Pete making a running start for Berkeley, 1921

Aerial view of Picnic Day, 1921

Milk products float, 1925

Agronomy float, 1921

Viticulture float, circa 1920-1921

Parade, 1921

Aerial of Picnic Day circa 1939

Carbonated fruit beverages and picnic marmalade, circa 1930s

Horse race, 1930

“Agricultural Progress” parade float, 1930

Track meet, 1930

“The Fairies Found in Milk” parade float, 1939

Parade, 1930

Landscape Department, 1930

Welcome Home, 1947

Parade, circa 1940s

Beckett Hall parade float, circa 1940s

Parade float, circa 1940s

Parade Marshall Peter J. Shields, 1956

“Cavalcade of Medicine” parade float, 1957

Performance on the Quad circa, 1954

Fashion Show, circa 1950s

Cynthia Leivers, student hostess for a recent Picnic Day, is shown with one of the fraternity parade floats, 1954

Raising the flag, 1956

Marching Band, Shields Library in background, circa 1950-1959

Pole vault, 1953

Aggie Villa parade float, 1950

Napping on the quad, 1959

Parade float, 1960

Picnic, 1960s

Parade float, 1966

Aquacade, 1962

Horse show, 1961

Parade float, 1968

Picnic Day organizers, Tom Stallard sits on the hood, Meg (Sneeden) Stallard is inside the vehicle. From bottom left, are Pam (Wright) Procella, Jan May, John Hodgson, Cathie Poe, Dennis Vanderpol, Carol (Perkins) Rupe, Roger Klein, Kay (Zimmer) Morison, Bob Alessandrelli and Steve Rae. 1968

Chairman Tom Stallard and Hostess Kay Zimmer, 1968

Demonstration, 1966

Parade float, circa 1967-1968

ROTC Parade, 1974

Parade, 1974

Parade, 1973

Parade float, 1974

Can Can Girls on Recycling float, 1974

Parade, 1974

Aquacade float, 1974

Memorial Union, 1977

Cow Milking, Chancellor James Meyer, 1975

Tavernetti Bell, 1977

Tri Delta “Push Bug” float, 1977/1978

Parade float with Space Shuttle Columbia, 1982

Viticulture and Enology Float, 1981

Parade Float, 1980

Picnic Day, 1980

Picnic Day canoe races on Putah Creek, early 1980s

Parade, 1991

Alumni and Visitors Center Parade Float, 1997

Unitrans Parade Float, 1991

UCD Med Center Parade Float, 1991

“Suzuki Kids” Parade Float, 1997

Parade, 1991

Parade Float, 1997

“Building a Better Ewe” Parade Float, 1991

Aggie Band-uh, 2002

Parade, 2000

Graduate School of Management, 2002

ARC Tours, 2004

Chancellor Vanderhoef speaking at the Fire Department, 2002

Live music on the Quad, 2002

Crowds on the Quad, 2000

Sheep Dog Trials, 2000

Fashion Show in the rain, 2003

Robert Mondavi, Parade Marshall, 2002

Handing out water bottles in front of Shields Library, 2012

Parade Float, 2014

Parade float, 2014

Cal Aggie Band-uh, 2014

Parade float, 2014

Cal Aggie Alumni Band, 2014

Singers on central staircase in Shields Library

Shields Library, 2018

Coloring in Shields, 2017

Special Collections float, 2019