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Food Processing and Manufacture

Over 2800 linear feet of material from the 19th and 20th centuries

California has long reigned as the undisputed leader in agricultural production, preservation, and distribution. The collections in this category focus specifically on the development of technologies and structures allowing the vast acreage of produce grown in the state to reach the tables of consumers worldwide. While the focus is on food processing in California, commercial enterprises outside of California are not excluded.

Most of the materials are in the English language. Related materials can be found under the headings of Agriculture, Plant Science, and Viticulture and Enology.


  • Bartley, Basil G. D. Papers on Cacao

    Field notebooks of observations on cacao and experiments in Brazil, Trinidad, and other countries; diaries containing field observations and summaries; books, pamphlets and extracts from literature on cacao; correspondence relating to cacao germplasm; and photographs, slides and recorded tape commentaries to accompany the field research notebooks. Basil George David Bartley (1927-2008) spent a lifetime studying cacao. Dr. Bartley was born in New Delhi, India and received his Ph.D. in Biology and Plant Breeding from Iowa State University (1950). He is the author of The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and Its Utilization (CABI Publishing, 2005).
  • Born, Leonard L. Papers

    Reports, pamphlets, and clippings relating to experiments in the irradiation of strawberries, potatoes, and poultry, and experiments on algae production as a potential cattle protein source. Owner of a northern California company, Born and Company, specializing in the irradiation of foods, cold sterilization, and algae production.
  • Branch, Nelle Recipe Collection

    One small box of recipes belonging to Nelle Branch.
  • California Canners and Growers Archives

    Invoices, cash receipts, accounts receivable and payable ledgers, financial statements, payroll ledgers, bids, marketing studies, canceled checks, pricing analysis, inventories, correspondence, and monthly manager's letters. Legal files pertaining to the lawsuit filed against the U.S. Government for remuneration for inventory destroyed after the August, 1970 ban on products containing cyclamates. Formed in 1957 with capital contributions from California fruit and vegetable growers, the California Canners and Growers Cooperative processed, distributed, and marketed its members' crops. It was the largest company of its kind in the U.S. and, at one time, controlled 65% of the nation's diet canned fruit market. The company declared bankruptcy in 1983.
  • California League of Food Processors Archives

    Financial records, Board of Directors minutes, background information on processing regulations, and some records of other entities, such as the California Olive Growers Association. Established in 1905, the California League of Food Processors is a state trade association representing canners, freezers, hydrators, and dried fruit packers who produce canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. The organization monitors political activities affecting members, and works with government agencies in development of product standards.
  • California Lima Bean Growers Association Collection

    Material about the Assocation's formation/history.
  • Cincinnati Butchers’ Supply Co. Collection

    Material regarding supply business operations; Accounts, blueprints, catalogs. Manufacturer of meat packing equipment.
  • Corn, Elaine Papers

    Elaine Corn is a food editor, award-winning culinary journalist, and author of six cookbooks. Corn's journalism career started in Texas, where she worked as a copy editor for the Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman. While working at the Austin American-Statesman, Corn lobbied to create a food section and assumed the role of food editor in 1978. In 1986 Corn was hired by the Sacramento Bee, where she spent the rest of her newspaper career. During Corn's tenure, the Sacramento Bee won awards for Best Food Reporting and Best Food Section. She is the recipient of a Julia Child Cookbook Award and a James Beard Award in 1995. This collection contains newspaper columns, freelance proposals, reviews, syllabi from journalism workshops and writing courses, published writing about Corn, and audio clips of radio stories for Capital Public Radio.
  • Cruess, William V. (1886-1968). Papers.

    Correspondence, writings, memorabilia, and photographic materials related to his research in the areas of food processing, food preservation, and wine making. Professor of Food Technology, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Davis Food Co-op Records

    The collection includes brochures, flyers, articles of incorporation, and materials related to cooperatives and small farms. It also includes a Rolodex file of quick answers to questions about food ingredients and additives. The Davis Food Co-op was founded in 1972 by Davis, California residents and UC Davis students. The organization began as a grocery buying club and originally operated out of members' homes. In 1976, the first store opened on L Street and in 1978 the Co-op moved to Fifth Street. The Co-op officially incorporated as a California cooperative corporation in 1981, and in 1984 moved to its current location on G Street.