Peter J. Shields Library
Located at the center of campus, the Peter J. Shields Library is the main library for UC Davis.
Collections at this library: Arts • Humanities • Social Sciences • Biological & Agricultural Sciences • Computer Sciences • Mathematics & Statistics
Also at this location: Archives and Special Collections • UC Davis DataLab
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About Shields Library

The library has been an integral part of the UC Davis academic experience since the campus, then known as the University Farm, was founded in 1908. The library began as one room located within the university’s Creamery building, which was one of only four buildings on the 779-acre campus. Today the flagship Peter J. Shields Library building is one of the largest and busiest buildings on the Davis campus, receiving nearly 1.7 million visitors each year, mostly students.
Did you know?
- Shields Library is LEED Gold certified for its sustainability practices.
- The library has more than 300 pieces of art on display.
- During finals week, students will touch the Bookhead sculpture in front of Shields Library for good luck.