Stephen Fujimoto

First-Year Undergraduate
As someone who has made Internet memes a daily part of his life, I loved the fact that I was able to analyze them next to ancient myths, creating this odd but fascinating juxtaposition between works that have been revered for millennia and digital content that has been viewed as trivial or inconsequential by most.
Stephen Fujimoto
“Ok Boomer” from the Perspective of Father-Son Dynamics in Myth
Research paper for RST 001G: Myth, Ritual and Symbolism
Project Description
Fujimoto’s paper examines generational conflict through a comparison of father-son relationships in Greek, Polynesian and other mythologies with the proliferation of the “OK Boomer” Internet meme. With guidance from his professor and a student services librarian, Fujimoto used library databases, books and a PhD dissertation in his research.
In Their Own Words
Read Stephen’s reflective essay from their Lang Prize application.