Research and Write
We support all stages of research
Whether you need help finding sources for your assignment or project, formatting citations, managing complex research data, or support for publishing or preserving your finished work, the library is here to help you every step of the way.
Getting Started
Grow your research skills with this overview of library tools and resources.
Schedule a Research Consultation
Our librarians offer expert assistance to students and researchers at all levels by appointment.
Research Sources and Search Tools
Our search tools and librarian-curated lists will help you locate the information sources you need.
Streamline your approach to citations with our resources on citation styles and citation management tools.
Data Analysis and Management
We offer resources, consultations and training to help you manage, store and share your research data.
Publish Your Research
Learn about open access funding and discounts, copyright best practices and your own rights as an author.
Preserve Your Research
Preserve your hard copy and born-digital research assets in the University Archives.
Student Research Prizes
The library’s Lang Prize (for undergraduates) and Graduate Student Prize (for graduate students) offer awards of $1,000 to $2,000 for outstanding library research and scholarship. Learn more and apply.