Natasong Yuan

1st Place
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2021
Previously, I settled on using any credible and relevant artworks I could find online, which was quite limited. After the discovery of the UC Davis Library’s online search engine, I was led to archives of hundreds of paintings and drawings since the 18th century that were all public domain.
Natasong Yuan
Of Botanical Art: The American Society of Botanical Artists as a Discourse Community
Paper for UWP 001: Introduction to Academic Literacies
Project Description
Yuan delves into the history and aesthetics of botanical art and illustration and provides an analysis of the American Society of Botanical Arts, an under-researched discourse community. With the support of her professor, Jason Hockaday, and her passion for the subject, Yuan creatively integrated archival botanical art paintings with analysis of their importance from antiquity to the present era.
In Their Own Words
Read Natasong’s reflective essay from their Lang Prize application.