Funke Aderonmu

2nd Place
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2017
I have come to appreciate the vital role that creativity, persistence, and problem solving play in the academic research process.
Funke Aderonmu
A Conflict of Interests: Revisiting Development Assistance Committee Members’ Tied Aid Policy Post 2001
Honors Thesis in International Relations
Project Description
Aderonmu’s paper addresses the question of why Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) donor states continue the practice of tied aid — which mandates that funds be spent on goods or services produced in the donor country — despite the negative effects on economic development in recipient countries. In her research, Aderonmu took advantage of library subject guides and research databases. She also worked with the library’s specialist in political science to access relevant OECD data.
In Their Own Words
Read Funke’s reflective essay from their Lang Prize application.