Bao Ngoc (Gemma) Le

2nd Place
Science, Engineering and Math, 2024
My priority was to identify and compare findings across different studies, while also pointing out strengths, limitations and potential risk of biases.”
— Bao Ngoc (Gemma) Le
Efficacy of Non-Invasive Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Narrative review for UWP 104FY: Writing in the Professions: Health
Project Description
Le’s narrative review explores the efficacy and safety of non-invasive alternatives to surgery in treating patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. She also investigates potential improvements in quality of life resulting from this treatment. With guidance from librarian Erik Fausak, Le consulted library databases and reviewed clinical trial results.
In Their Own Words
Read Gemma’s reflective essay from their Lang Prize application.