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Lang Prize FAQ

General Eligibility

Can I still submit my application even though I’m not on campus?


Do I have to be a current student to submit a project?

No, but your work must have been completed within the last four quarters. See Eligibility section on website.

Project Eligibility

I made extensive use of library resources in the creation of my project, but I didn’t work with a librarian.  Is my project eligible?

Yes! There are many ways to find and access library resources, and it is not necessary to have consulted a librarian to be eligible for this prize.

Is my work eligible if it has already been published?

Yes, as long as you retain the copyright, as winning submissions will be published on eScholarship.

Is a research project sponsored by the Provost Undergraduate Research Scholarship eligible?

Yes, please work with your faculty sponsor to be sure the Instructor Review portion of the application is completed.

May I submit a work produced for an independent study course?

Yes, provided the course was taken for credit, within the most recent four quarters — current winter; previous fall, summer or spring — including study abroad. See the Eligibility section of the How to Apply page for more information.

May I submit a portion of a larger work, for instance a chapter of my undergraduate thesis?

The work you submit must be complete. We will accept a literature review if it was developed as a stand-alone project for a class.

May I submit multiple projects?

You may submit only one project of which you are the primary creator, however you may be listed as a team member on other projects in which you participated.

Preparing and Submitting the Application

I have more than one project I think is eligible for the Lang Prize. How should I choose which to submit?

Please review the Lang Prize scoring rubric, and choose the project you think best meets the criteria on which the entries will be judged.

May I provide any supplemental materials with my application, such as a letter of recommendation separate from the application form?

No. Only the requested materials will be considered.

Who may provide an instructor review?
  • The instructor of the class for whom the work was prepared.
  • The principal investigator for the research project.
May a reviewing instructor be a co-creator of the project submitted for consideration?

Yes. It is common for an instructor to be a co-creator of works submitted for publication.

If a group submits a project, should each project creator solicit their own instructor review?

No, the review should focus on the work submitted, not the individual creators.

Application Evaluation

How will my application be judged?

Judges will evaluate submissions using the Lang Prize Undergraduate Students Rubric (PDF).

If I did not win an award, may I resubmit the same project next year?

Yes, if you meet all of the criteria for eligibility. See Eligibility section on website.

Financial Aid Considerations

Will receiving this prize affect my financial aid?

It is possible that by receiving additional funding, your financial aid package could be affected. However, this is highly individual to your specific aid package so please reach out the Financial Aid Office and they can review your account to provide a more specific answer. You may contact them at:

Undergraduate Financial Aid
1100 Dutton Hall (location on campus map)
Front desk hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Phone: 530-752-2390

For additional information on the Middle-Class Scholarship, visit:

Financial Aid and Scholarships – California’s Middle Class Scholarship (MCS)