Health Sciences Resources
Help for your research, studies, educational efforts and clinical care evidence questions
Access Library Materials Off-Campus
Most of our licensed library materials require a VPN connection if you are off campus. There are a few options to choose from for UC Davis and UC Davis Health off-campus access to these library resources.
Key Databases
Library databases are searchable collections of published academic works.

PubMed for UC Davis
Over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Point-of-care veterinary clinical reference source covering dogs, cats, rabbits, exotics, cattle and horses.

Point-of-care clinical medicine database — requires HS/Citrix login.

CINAHL Complete
Comprehensive coverage of nursing and allied health literature.

Biomedical and pharmacological database that is especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research and conference abstracts.

CAB Abstracts
International agricultural literature, including veterinary medicine, human and animal nutrition, forestry, rural development, and other topics.

Interdisciplinary academic journal literature, conference proceedings and books with broad coverage across the sciences and social sciences, includes citation tracking tools.

Web of Science
Over 20,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals published worldwide in over 250 science, social sciences and humanities disciplines.

Google Scholar
Access library licensed articles directly in Google Scholar by configuring your settings to work with our library subscriptions.
Health Sciences Research Guides
Research guides are lists of library resources organized by subject area that are curated by UC Davis librarians.
Other Ways to Access Library Materials
- Clinical Resources Center (UCDH)
Portal to information resources for clinicians at UC Davis Health. Off-campus access requires use of UCDH Cisco AnyConnect VPN. First time users will be prompted to request access. - BrowZine
Find, follow and directly access journals available from the UC Davis Library or from open sources. - “Get it at UC”
Look for the “Get it at UC” button to connect to full-text articles and e-books directly from your favorite database. - Request Books or Articles
Request materials from other libraries, scans of articles or book chapters, or recommend a resource for addition to the UC Davis Library.
Connect with a Health Sciences Librarian
Davis Campus
UC Davis Health / Sacramento Campus
Library News: Health and Medicine
Advance Your Research and Learning
Help with Research, Publishing and Evidence-Based Practice
Our librarians can help you:
- Find literature, data, statistics or assessments tailored to your research or clinical question
- Learn about the scholarly publication landscape
- Learn how to improve the methods and reproducibility of evidence syntheses
- Articulate the impact of your work using impact metrics
- Search for books and e-books
Request a Workshop or Educational Session
Topics include:
- Introduction to Library resources and services
- Evidence-based practice (e.g., searching the literature for evidence in veterinary medicine, medicine, nursing)
- Introduction to systematic review methodology
- Advanced literature searching (including searching for evidence on health disparities, population health and other specialized topics or searching particular databases)
- Finding open health data or health statistics
- Resources for authors
At least two weeks’ notice (or more) requested for most sessions.