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Awards for Open Course Materials


The AggieOpen Open Course Materials Awards support instructors who plan to incorporate alternatives to commercial course materials in their undergraduate courses, including open textbooks, open-access monographs, and other openly licensed learning objects.

2025 AggieOpen Fellows Pilot Program

AggieOpen Fellows is a three-year pilot program that provides award funding and project development assistance to UC Davis faculty and instructors who apply and adopt or adapt openly licensed, freely accessible course materials in their undergraduate courses. Currently in its third year, the pilot program will conclude after the 2025 cohort. We will transition to a new, rolling awards program in 2025-2026, in partnership with the UC Davis Bookstore.

Award Amount

Fellows will receive awards ranging from $2,000 – $7,500.


The AggieOpen Fellows program is open to all Academic Senate and Academic Federation faculty and instructors.

Instructors may choose to adopt or adapt open educational resources/textbooks, or to collaborate with another instructor to adopt and modify OER materials. Eligible materials include openly licensed alternatives to commercial course materials (ex., open textbooks; open-access publications).

  • Adopt ($2,000)
    • Instructors transition from a commercially licensed textbook to an open textbook, open access texts, and/or other openly licensed learning materials (question banks, instructional media, etc.). This may include making modest changes to existing open materials.
  • Adapt ($5,000)
    • Individual instructors incorporate portions of multiple existing open textbooks and other freely available educational resources, undertaking significant modifications of existing open education materials/textbooks.
  • Collaborate ($7,500)
    • Multi-section course teams of at least two instructors adopt and modify open educational resources/textbooks for use in all course sections addressed by the instructors.

Our librarians are available for consultation to help you identify openly licensed resources for adoption or adaptation. Please contact us before applying.

How to Apply

  1. Step 1: Schedule a consultation with the AggieOpen review team before you apply.
  2. Step 2: Fill out the application form by March 16.

Check the AggieOpen Application Portal for more information about the application process and submission dates.

See previous AggieOpen Fellows