Did you know that our Archives and Special Collections librarians collaborate with instructors from UC Davis? They provide students with hands-on learning experiences and skills
Now that the beginning of the fall quarter is well underway, Special Collections has a message about assisting faculty and other instructors at UC Davis
Following the footsteps of other institutions, we also want to offer Zoom backgrounds based off images from Archives and Special Collections. Feel free to personalize
For the final five features celebrating Special Collections’ 50th Anniversary, we focus on a massive body of work that has come to represent the ideals
With Easter coming up tomorrow, what better way to celebrate than by shining a spotlight on chocolate? Our 39th feature is Madrid physician Antonio Colmenero
The Gay and Lesbian History and Culture Collection in Special Collections is comprised of over 3,000 rare books and serials (any publication issued in successive
It is extremely rare to find manuscripts from the pre-Hispanic times of the Mixtec Indians since the conquistadores destroyed most of their records during the