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Blaisdell Medical Library Study Spaces

Open Seating

UC Davis Health badges are required for entry to Blaisdell Medical Library. Open seating is available throughout the library.

Computer Workstations

Computer workstations are available at Blaisdell Medical Library. Some require login using UC Davis Health credentials or UC Davis Kerberos (CAS) and Duo authentication.

How to print, scan or copy at the library

Study and Collaboration Rooms

There are two study and four collaboration rooms for use by individuals or small groups, available via reservation.

How to Reserve a Room

Collaboration Room
Blaisdell Study Room
Tupper Study Room

Wireless Access

At Blaisdell Medical Library, the UC Davis Health wireless network supports most wireless devices and is available to all UC Davis Health computing account holders via the ucdhs-prod network. The ucdhs-guest network is an additional wifi network available for those without UC Davis Health credentials.

Wireless service is provided by UC Davis Health IT; for wireless connectivity questions, see UC Davis Health IT information