Drink Your Tea and the Quest for the Panacea of Beverages
Shields Library (Lobby - Entrance)
January 6, 2020 - February 28, 2020
Two exhibits are on display at Shields and Carlson Health Sciences Libraries in conjunction with the 5th Annual Colloquium of the Global Tea Initiative for the Study of Tea Culture and Science.

Shields Library
Drink Your Tea (or Wine) curated by:
Daniel Goldstein (dgoldstein@ucdavis.edu)
Leyla Cabugos (lrcabugos@ucdavis.edu)
Carlson Health Sciences Library
The Quest for the Panacea of Beverages curated by:
Erik Fausak (edfausak@ucdavis.edu)
Drink Your Tea (or Wine)

Located in the Shields Library Lobby. The Eastern Towhee whose call is similar to someone saying, “drink your tea”, is the mascot for this exhibit.

Daniel Goldstein, co-curator

Leyla Cabugos, co-curator

L Chen, Z Apostolides & Z Chen
Shields Lib SB271 .G56 2012

J Chen
Shields Lib GT2907.C6 C46533 2007

R Corbett
Shields Lib GT2910 .C67 2018

LA Cort
Shields Lib NK4695.S76 C49 2014

H Ghosh
Shields Lib SB272.I5 G46 2006

K Gascoyne, H Americi, J Desharnais, F Marchand, & Camellia Sinensis Tea House.
Shields Lib TX415 .G3713 2018

S Goldsmith
Shields Lib GT2907.N45 G654 2006

HS Haasse
Shields Lib PT5838.H45 H4713 2011

M Hazarika, M Talukdar, SH Patgiri
Shields Lib HD9198.I4 .T63 2011

ML & R Heiss
Shields Lib TX415 .H438 2010

B Hinsch
Shields Lib GT2907.C6 H55 2015

H Hu & C Steenberg
Shields Lib GT2905 .H8 2009

L Joliffe
Shields Lib GT2905 .T413 2007

KBW Jones
Shields Lib TP650 .J65

A Leckie
Shields Lib PS3612.E3353 A83 2013

T Li
Shields Lib
GT2907.C6 L523 2013

C LIversidge
Shields Lib SB271 .L66 2014

J McCabe
Shields Lib DS430 .M35 2017

DA Metraux
Shields Lib F870.J3 M48 2019

S. Ohki
Shields Lib GT2910 .O39 2009

A Potter
Shields Lib TP650 .P68 2018

JN Pratt
Shields Lib TX415 .P68 1995

R Rote
Shields Lib HD9198.C42 R6 1986

AL Sadler
Shields Lib GT2910 .S3 2019

D Sen
Shields Lib HD6073.T182 I474 2017

K Smith
Shields Lib GT2905 .S65 2016

Hand-Book of Castes and Tribes Employed on Tea Estates in North-East India. (1924)
Tea Districts Labour Association
Shields Lib DS422.C3 T4 1924

SJE Tourtillott
Shields Lib
NK4695.T43 A14 2002

M Yi
Shields Lib GT2907.K6 Y56 2010

Z. Zhao
Shields Lib GT2907.C6 D664 2016
The Quest for the Panacea of Beverages

Tea and Wine have been historically associated with medicinal purposes for centuries. This exhibit follows the progression of tea and wine in health literature over the centuries, from expert opinion to clinical trials to the epitome of evidence-based medicine, systematic reviews. In our display we start with tea and a famous book that examines it’s health benefits, Ben Cao Gang Mu:

We can find that tea versus wine has often been discussed and this discussion can be witnessed in this 1840 book review and the original book being reviewed can be found here:

If you would like to see the great quantity of clinical trials that occur, see the results in medical database, PubMed

Look at how many systematic reviews exist on tea and it’s health benefits in PubMed
We follow a similar trajectory with Wine and the Incipit Tractatus de Vinis:

If you would like to see the great quantity of clinical trials that occur, see the results in medical literature database, PubMed

For more systematic reviews on wine, please see these results from PubMed