Resources for Health Equity and Justice
The bibliography below offers additional reading on this year’s Campus Community Book Project topic—health equity and justice—to supplement the book selection, Weathering: The Extraordinary Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society by Arline Geronimus. The list includes books, scholarly articles, and other resources divided by topic.

- Barr, D. A. (2014). Health disparities in the United States: social class, race, ethnicity, and health. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Brill, S. (2015). America’s bitter pill: money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system. Random House.
- Burke Harris, N. (2018). The deepest well: healing the long-term effects of childhood adversity. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Chandler, C. E., Williams, C. R., & Turner, M. W. (2022). Training public health students in racial justice and health equity: A Systematic Review. Public Health Reports, 137(2), 373–385.
- Dawes, D. (2020). The political determinants of health. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Einav, L., & Finkelstein, A. (2023). We’ve got you covered: Rebooting American health care. Portfolio/Penguin.
- Galea, S. (2022). The contagion next time. Oxford University Press.
- Geronimus, A. (2024). Weathering: The extraordinary stress of ordinary life in an unjust society. Back Bay Books.
- Hersey, T. (2022). Rest is resistance: A manifesto. Little, Brown Spark.
- Littler, K., Sheather, J., Singh, J., & Wright, K. (2023). Why climate change health policy needs ethics to achieve health equity and climate justice–a call to action. BMJ, 381, 1368.
- McKay, F. H., & Taket, A. R. (2020). Health equity, social justice and human rights. Routledge.
- Miller, W. J. (2023). Equity, equality, & justice for all: Born to be an advocate. Pegasus Books.
- Nuila, R. (2023). The people’s hospital: Hope and peril in American medicine. Scribner.
- Payne, K. (2017). The broken ladder: How inequality affects the way we think, live and die. Viking.
- Reid, T. R. (2010). The healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care. Penguin Books.
- Singh, P. (2016). Dying and living in the neighborhood: a street-level view of America’s healthcare promise. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Smith, G. S., & Thorpe, R. J. (2020). Gentrification: A priority for environmental justice and health. Ethnicity & Disease, 509–512.
- Sole-Smith, V. (2023). Fat talk: Parenting in the age of diet culture. Henry Holt and Company.
- Sweet, V. (2012). God’s hotel: A doctor, a hospital, and a pilgrimage to the heart of medicine. Riverhead Books.
- Tobin Tyler, E., & Teitelbaum, J. B. (2019). Essentials of health justice: a primer. Jones & Bartlett.
- Wright, G., Hubbard, L., & Darity Jr., W. (Eds.). (2022). The pandemic divide: How COVID increased inequality in America. Duke University Press.
- Allen, A. L. (2022). Privacy, health, and race equity in the Digital Age. American Journal of Bioethics, 22(7), 60–63.
- Cruz, T. M., & Smith, S. A. (2021). Health equity beyond data: Health care worker perceptions of race, ethnicity, and language data collection in electronic health records. Medical Care, 59(5), 379–385.
- Dawes, D., Holden, K., & Williams, D. R. (Eds.). (2023). Health equity: African Americans and public health. American Publish Association.
- Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Critical race theory, race equity, and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S30–S35.
- Kindig, D. (2017). Population health equity: Rate and burden, race and class. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 317(5), 467–468.
- Marmot, M. (2015). The health gap: Improving health in an unequal world. Bloomsbury Press.
- Marya, R., & Patel, R. (2022). Inflamed: deep medicine and the anatomy of injustice. Picador.
- Mate, G., & Mate, D. (2022). The myth of normal: trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture. Avery.
- Matthew, D. B. (2015). Just Medicine: A cure for racial inequality in American health care. NYU Press.
- Pollock, A. (2021). Sickening: Anti-Black racism and health disparities in the United States. University of Minnesota Press.
- Williams, M. T., Rosen, D. C., & Kanter, J. (Eds.). (2019). Eliminating race-based mental health disparities: promoting equity and culturally responsive care across settings. Context Press.
- Bott, N. T., Sheckter, C. C., & Milstein, A. S. (2017). Dementia care, women’s health, and gender equity: The value of well-timed caregiver support. JAMA Neurology, 74(4), 757–758.
- Dusenbery, M. (2018). Doing harm: the truth about how bad medicine and lazy science leave women dismissed, misdiagnosed, and sick. HarperOne.
- Hossain, A. (2021). The pain gap: How sexism and racism in healthcare kill women. Tiller Press.
- Jackson, G. (2021). Pain and prejudice: How the medical system ignores women—And what we can do about it. Greystone Books.
- Sen, G., & Ostlin, P. (2009). Gender equity in health: The shifting frontiers of evidence and action. Routledge.
- Sinha, C., & Schryer-Roy, A.-M. (2018). Digital health, gender and health equity: Invisible imperatives. Journal of Public Health, 40.
- Smalley, K. B., Warren, J. C., & Barefoot, K. N. (Eds.). (2018). LGBT health: meeting the needs of gender and sexual minorities. Springer Publishing Company.
Poverty and Long-term Health Outcomes
- Desmond, M. (2016). Evicted: poverty and profit in the American city. Crown Publishers.
- Desmond, M., & Kimbro, R. T. (2015). Eviction’s fallout: housing, hardship, and health. Social Forces, 94(1), 295–324.
- Gold, A. E. (2016). No home for justice: how eviction perpetuates health inequity among low-income and minority tenants. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy, 24(1), 59.
- Hazekamp, C., Yousuf, S., Day, K., Daly, M. K., & Sheehan, K. (2020). Eviction and pediatric health outcomes in Chicago. Journal of Community Health, 45(5), 891–899.
- Hedman, K. (2019). Strengths and support of older people affected by precarity in South Louisiana. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 14(2), e12232.
- Himmelstein, G., & Desmond, M. (2021, April 1). Eviction and Health: A Vicious Cycle Exacerbated by the Pandemic. Health Affairs.
- Hooten, N. N., Pacheco, N. L., Smith, J. T., & Evans, M. K. (2022). The accelerated aging phenotype: The role of race and social determinants of health on aging. Aging Research Reviews, 73.
- Khadka, A., Fink, G., Gromis, A., & McConnell, M. (2020). In utero exposure to threat of evictions and preterm birth: Evidence from the United States. Health Services Research, 55(Supplement2), 823–832.
- Krieger, N., & Testa, C. (2024). Epigenetic Aging and Racialized, Economic, and Environmental Injustice NIMHD Social Epigenomics Program. JAMA Network Open, 7(7).
- Leifheit, K. M., Schwartz, G. L., Pollack, C. E., Black, M. M., Edin, K. J., Althoff, K. N., & Jennings, J. M. (2020). Eviction in early childhood and neighborhood poverty, food security, and obesity in later childhood and adolescence: Evidence from a longitudinal birth cohort. SSM – Population Health, 11, 100575.
- Rao, S., Essien, U. R., Powell-Wiley, T. M., Maddineni, B., Das, S. R., Halm, E. A., Pandey, A., & Sumarsono, A. (2022). Association of US County-Level Eviction Rates and All-Cause Mortality. Journal of General Internal Medicine.