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In Memory and Celebration: bell hooks

The prolific and influential poet, social and cultural theorist, and literary critic, bell hooks, passed away on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Her work and career is influential around the world, informing feminism, black thought, sociology, poetics, and world literature, as well as the path of activists, who set forth to address the challenges and struggles that hooks articulated with precision and intimacy.

Her books and essays have been taught for decades in many UC Davis courses, and her words will, undoubtedly, continue to serve students, researchers, writers, and wider community in the future.

The UC Library provides access to many of bell hooks’ publications, as well as the enormous literature that has been shaped by her intervention into the study of culture and social life. The list below is offered here as a celebration of her contributions and invitation to engage with her ideas and spirit.

For more information on the life and work of bell hooks, including lectures and videos: visit

To find these items in our collection, Search for the italicized titles in UC Library Search


  • hooks, bell. (1978). And there we wept: poems. Golemics.
  • hooks, bell. (1981). Ain’t I a woman: Black women and feminism. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1984). Feminist theory from margin to center (First edition.). South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1989). Talking back: thinking feminist, thinking black. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1990). Yearning: race, gender, and cultural politics. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1991). Breaking bread: insurgent Black intellectual life. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1992). Black looks: race and representation. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1993). A woman’s mourning song. Harlem River Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Outlaw culture: resisting representations. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (1995). Art on my mind: visual politics. New Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1995). Killing rage: ending racism (First edition.). Henry Holt and Company.
  • hooks, bell. (1996). Bone black: memories of girlhood (1st ed). Henry Holt and Co.
  • hooks, bell. (1997). Wounds of passion: a writing life (1st ed). Henry Holt.
  • hooks, bell. (1999). Remembered rapture: the writer at work (1st ed). Henry Holt.
  • hooks, bell. (2000). Feminism is for everybody: passionate politics. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (2000). Feminist theory: from margin to center (2nd ed). South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (2000). Where we stand: class matters. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2001). Salvation: Black people and love (1st ed). William Morrow.
  • hooks, bell. (2002). Communion: the female search for love (1st ed). WMorrow.
  • hooks, bell. (2003). Teaching community: a pedagogy of hope. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2004). We real cool: black men and masculinity. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2006). Homegrown: engaged cultural criticism. South End Press.
  • hooks, bell. (2009). Reel to real: race, class and sex at the movies. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2010). Teaching critical thinking: practical wisdom. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2013). Writing beyond race: living theory and practice. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2018). Uncut funk: a contemplative dialogue. Routledge.


  • hooks, bell, & Jhally, S.,  Media Education Foundation, & University of Westminster. (2002). Bell Hooks: cultural criticism & transformation. Media Education Foundation.

Essays and Articles

  • hooks, bell. (1986). Talking Back. Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, 8, 123–128.
  • hooks, bell., Akomfrah, J., Jayamanne, L., Fusco, C., Hall, S., Fair, A., Murphy, P., & Lovell, A. (1989). The Morning Discussion. Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, 36, 24–28.
  • hooks, bell, Jayamanne, L., Wallace, M., Hall, S., Julien, I., Akomfrah, J., Lovell, A., & Brunsdon, C. (1989). The Afternoon Discussion. Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, 36, 56–67.
  • hooks, bell. (1989). Choosing the Margin as a Space of Radical Openness. Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, 36, 15–23.
  • hooks, bell. (1989). Writing from the Darkness. TriQuarterly, 75, 71–77.
  • hooks, bell. (1989). Writing the Subject: Reading The Color Purple. In H. Bloom (Ed.), Modern Critical Views: Alice Walker. (Vol. 1–viii, 245, pp. 215–228). Chelsea House.
  • hooks, bell. (1989). Zora Neale Hurston: A Subversive Reading. Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society, 3(6), 5–23.
  • hooks, bell. (1990). Postmodern Blackness. Postmodern Culture: An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinary Criticism, 1(1).
  • hooks, bell. (1991). Essentialism and Experience. American Literary History, 3(1), 172–183.
  • hooks, bell. (1991). Micheaux: Celebrating Blackness. Black American Literature Forum, 25(2), 351–360.
  • hooks, bell. (1991). States of Desire. Transition: An International Review, 53, 168–184.
  • hooks, bell. (1992). Critical Reflections: Adrienne Kennedy, The Writer, The Work. In P. K. Bryant-Jackson & L. M. Overbeck (Eds.), Intersecting Boundaries: The Theatre of Adrienne Kennedy (Vol. 1–254, pp. 179–185). University of Minnesota Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1993). Une Femme noire revient au cinéma (‘Vous souvenez-vous de sapphire?’). In G. Vincendeau, B. Reynaud, M. Martineau, & J. Buet (Eds.), 20 ans de théories féministes sur le cinéma (Vol. 1–198, pp. 75–78). Corlet-Télérama; Editions Corlet; CinémAction.
  • hooks, bell. (1993). Male Heroes and Female Objects: Sexism in Spike Lee’s Malcolm X. Cineaste: America’s Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema, 19(4), 13–15.
  • hooks, bell. , Eizenberg, J., & Koning, H. (1994). House, 20 June 1994. Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, 24, 22–29.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). A Call for Militant Resistance. In D. Carson, L. Dittmar, & J. R. Welsch (Eds.), Multiple Voices in Feminist Film Criticism (Vol. 1–ix, 549, pp. 358–364). University of Minnesota Press;
  • hooks, bell. (1994). George C. Wolfe. BOMB, 50, 46–51.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Toward a Revolutionary Feminist Pedagogy. In D. H. Richter & G. Graff (Eds.), Falling into Theory: Conflicting Views on Reading Literature (Vol. 1–xiii, 297, pp. 74–79). Bedford.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Zora Neale Hurston: A Subversive Reading. In C. B. Davies (Ed.), Moving beyond Boundaries, II: Black Women’s Diasporas (Vol. 1–ix, 333, pp. 244–255). New York University Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Sorrowful Black Death Is Not a Hot Ticket. Sight and Sound, 4(8), 10–14.
  • hooks, bell. (1994). Transgress. Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, 17(3), 270–271.
  • hooks, bell. (1995). “This Is the Oppressor’s Language/Yet I Need It to Talk to You”: Language, a Place of Struggle. In A. Dingwaney & C. Maier (Eds.), Between languages and cultures : translation and cross-cultural texts. (Vol. 1–xiii, 359, pp. 295–301). University of Pittsburgh Press; Falmer.
  • hooks, bell. (1995). Dreams of Conquest. Sight and Sound, 5(4), 22–23.
  • hooks, bell, & Mansour, M. (1996). Devorar al otro: Deseo y resistencia. Debate Feminista, 7(13), 17–39.
  • hooks, bell. (1996). [Postmodern Blackness, 1991]. In P. Rice & P. Waugh (Eds.), Modern Literary Theory: A Reader (Vol. 1–x, 385, pp. 341–348). Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd..
  • hooks, bell. (1996). Talk Now, Pay Later. Sight and Sound, 6(6), 18.
  • hooks, bell. (1996). White Light. Sight and Sound, 6(5), 10–12.
  • hooks, bell. (1997). Male Heroes and Female Sex Objects: Sexism in Spike Lee’s Malcolm X. In R. R. Warhol & D. P. Herndl (Eds.), Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism (Vol. 1–xxi, 1207, pp. 555–558). Rutgers University Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1997). Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination. In R. Frankenberg (Ed.), Displacing Whiteness: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism (Vol. 1–vi, 360, pp. 165–179). Duke University Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1997). Selling Hot Pussy: Representations of Black Female Sexuality in the Cultural Marketplace. In K. Conboy, N. Medina, & S. Stanbury (Eds.), Writing on the Body: Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory. (Vol. 1–xiv, 430, pp. 113–128). Columbia University Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1997). Sisterhood: Political Solidarity between Women. In A. McClintock, A. Mufti, & E. Shohat (Eds.), Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives. (Vol. 1–viii, 551, pp. 396–411). University of Minnesota Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1998). Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance. In R. Scapp & B. Seitz (Eds.), Eating Culture (Vol. 1–vii, 303, pp. 181–200). State University of New York Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1998). Postmodern Blackness. In R. C. Davis & R. Schleifer (Eds.), Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies (Vol. 1–xiii, 738, pp. 130–135). Longman Publishers.
  • hooks, bell. (1998). The Feminazi Mystique. Transition: An International Review, 7(1 [73]), 156–162.
  • hooks, bell. (1998). Writing Autobiography. In S. Smith & J. Watson (Eds.), women, Autobiography, Theory: A Reader (Vol. 1–xi, 526, pp. 429–432). University of Wisconsin Press.
  • hooks, bell. (1999). The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators. In S. Thornham (Ed.), Feminist Film Theory: A Reader (Vol. 1–vi, 361, pp. 307–320). New York University Pres.
  • hooks, bell. (1999). Touching the Earth. In D. L. Barnhill (Ed.), At Home on the Earth: Becoming Native to Our Place: A Multicultural Anthology (Vol. 1–xiv, 327, pp. 51–56). University of California Press; MLA International Bibliography.
  • hooks, bell. (2000). Remembered Rapture: Dancing with Words. JAC, 20(1), 1–8.
  • hooks, bell. (2007). Writing for Reconciliation: A Musing. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning: JAEPL, 13(1), 1–1. MLA International Bibliography.
  • hooks, bell. (2008). “Whose Pussy Is This”: A Feminist Comment. In P. J. Massood (Ed.), The Spike Lee Reader (Vol. 1–xxviii, 276, pp. 1–9). Temple University Press.
  • hooks, bell, Gonçalves, C. P., Pinto, J. P., & Silva, P. de A. (2008). Linguagem: Ensinar Novas Paisagens/Novas Linguagens. Revista Estudos Feministas, 16(3), 857–864.
  • hooks, bell. (2014). Call and Response—Taking a Stand. Journal of Appalachian Studies, 20(2), 122–123.
  • hooks, bell. (2015). A Conversation with Laverne Cox. Appalachian Heritage, 43(4), 24–40
  • hooks, bell. (2015). Writing without Labels. Appalachian Heritage, 43(4), 8–21.
  • hooks, bell, & West, Cornell. (2016). Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life. Routledge.
  • hooks, bell. (2017). Micheaux: Celebrating Blackness. African American Review, 50(4), 815–824.