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Publication Mismatches, 2014

Publication Mismatches: Is there a Common Currency for Academic Credit?

  • When: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 9:00AM-6:00PM
  • Where: UC Davis, Andrews Conference Room, SSH 2203

Sponsored by the Innovating Communication in Scholarship project and the Center for Science and Innovation Studies, this workshop will examine the various disjunctures, in different disciplines, between what scholars produce in the course of their work and what is deemed credit worthy for career advancement in the academy. 

We are interested in what kind of work falls outside of the canonical definition of “publication” (article, book, book chapter), what is considered a “lesser” publication (translations, book reviews, encyclopedia entries, essay reviews, blogs, interventions in popular media, etc), and what is deemed to be no publication at all.  We are also eager to investigate whether there may be longer trends to this. For instance, whether the recent history of publication-based credit in academia reflects a move from performance to print – from in-person presentations and conversations to the material inscriptions of those performances.  In other words, we are looking into the changing meaning of what “making things public” (or public-ation) means in academia, and why.

Workshop Schedule (coffee served during breaks between panels)

9-10:30 am     Session 1 | From Talk to Text

  • Mario Biagioli (STS, Law, & History, UC Davis)  Talks to Texts: Long Duree Trends in Science Article Publishing
  • Tim Murray (English, Cornell)  Networked Discourse: Textings from Exhibition to Listserv
  • Jonathan Eisen (Genome Center, UC Davis)  The Bleeting Edge: Blog & Tweet or Perish

11-12:30 pm| Session 2 | Publication Potentials I

  • Tarek Elhaik (Cinema, San Francisco State) What is Curation?
  • Fiamma Montezemolo (Critical Studies, California College of the Arts)  Installing Ethnography
  • Allison Fish (ICIS & Library, UC Davis) Gray Matter: Collaborations, Conferences, and Reports

12:30-1:30 pm | Lunch

1:30-3 pm | Session 3 | Publication Potentials II

  • Jim Griesemer (Philosophy, UC Davis)
  • MacKenzie Smith (Library, UC Davis)  Data Papers in the Network Era
  • George Marcus (Anthropology, UC Irvine)  Contraption: On the Intermediate Working Drafts and Artifacts of  Multi-sited  Ethnography Before Docking  In a Realm of Authority

3:15-4:45 pm | Session 4 | Making the Un-publishable Public

  • Tiffany Ng (Music, UC Berkeley) Interrupting the Silence of Sonic Scholarship
  • Larry Bogad (Theater and Dance, UC Davis)  Domination & the Arts of Quantification: Performance, Artistic Activism, and Promotion
  • Tim Choy (STS & Anthropology, UC Davis)  Experiments in Poaching: Mushroom Mind in the Matsutake Worlds Research Group

5-6 pm            Wrap-up | Moderated by Geoff Bowker (Informatics, UC Irvine)